
Displacement, Placemaking and Wellbeing in the City

The Displacement, Placemaking and Wellbeing in the City (DWELL) project will contribute to our growing understanding of the structures, dynamics and processes through which people who are enduringly displaced succeed or fail to become part of European and Indian cities.

Globally, forced displacement levels are hitting a record modern-day high. Protracted displacement is now chiefly an urban affair. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 sets out the global ambition for inclusive, sustainable and secure cities, and the New Urban Agenda (2016) explicitly calls for inclusion of urban refugees within existing city structures. Yet, India and European cities’ efforts to manage inflows often face populist backlashes.

Greater understanding is hence needed of the ways in which people succeed or fail to make urban spaces into places of belonging, participation and wellbeing in conditions of scarcity and growing urban inequality. This will require attention to the placemaking processes and practices that structure refugees’ and forced migrants’ political, social and economic citizenship, access to livelihood opportunities, connections with existing communities and, ultimately, to define and achieve a ‘right to the city’.

This project offers new ways of cross-disciplinary thinking, methodological innovation and action. It seeks to break down disciplinary boundaries between the social sciences and humanities; humanitarianism and development; urban planning, architecture and design; and the integration of creative and engaged research methods that better interrogate and allow for the expression of a wide range of knowledge and experiences. The study will provide important knowledge for policy-makers at all levels of urban governance, as well as in development agencies and NGO/CSOs, about what roles they can play to support (and not to impede) greater equity, reduced inequalities and wellbeing in cities. Finally, the project will actively seek to engage and inform the general public in India and Europe through targeted media activities and public exhibitions.

Policy Briefs

Key contacts

Dolf J.H. te Lintelo

Research Fellow and Cities Cluster Leader

+44 (0)1273 915767

Project details

start date
1 January 2019
end date
31 December 2021


About this project


Recent work


The Role of Urban Public Spaces in Managing Displacement in Norway (accessible version)

IDS Policy Briefing 197

Refugees, temporarily displaced people, and migrants who arrive in Norwegian cities would benefit from equitable access to urban public spaces.

24 June 2022


Newcomer Wellbeing and Placemaking in Southeast England (accessible version)

IDS Policy Briefing 198

This briefing explores how refugees and asylum seekers experience wellbeing and placemaking in urban contexts, through interviews with people working for non-governmental and community organisations in southeast England.

24 June 2022


Co-Designing Urban Play Spaces to Improve Migrant Children’s Wellbeing (accessible version)

IDS Policy Briefing 199

Between 2001 and 2011, India’s urban population increased from almost 28 per cent to just over 31 per cent. Almost 139 million people migrated to cities (mainly Delhi and Mumbai), often bringing their children with them.

24 June 2022


Public Spaces, Placemaking and Integration of Migrants in Finland (accessible version)

IDS Policy Briefing 200

Placemaking and urban public spaces are important but often neglected factors in the integration and wellbeing of forcibly displaced people and other migrants. Migrants tend to have limited access and ability to use public spaces and are under-represented in urban planning processes.

24 June 2022


The Role of Urban Public Spaces in Managing Displacement in Norway

IDS Policy Briefing 197

Refugees, temporarily displaced people, and migrants who arrive in Norwegian cities would benefit from equitable access to urban public spaces.

24 June 2022


Newcomer Wellbeing and Placemaking in Southeast England

IDS Policy Briefing 198

This briefing explores how refugees and asylum seekers experience wellbeing and placemaking in urban contexts, through interviews with people working for non-governmental and community organisations in southeast England.

24 June 2022


Co-Designing Urban Play Spaces to Improve Migrant Children’s Wellbeing

IDS Policy Briefing 199

Between 2001 and 2011, India’s urban population increased from almost 28 per cent to just over 31 per cent. Almost 139 million people migrated to cities (mainly Delhi and Mumbai), often bringing their children with them.

24 June 2022


Public Spaces, Placemaking and Integration of Migrants in Finland

IDS Policy Briefing 200

Placemaking and urban public spaces are important but often neglected factors in the integration and wellbeing of forcibly displaced people and other migrants. Migrants tend to have limited access and ability to use public spaces and are under-represented in urban planning processes.

24 June 2022