
Masculinities and Transition in Ukraine: Country Brief

Published on 10 September 2019

As Ukraine has attempted to distance itself from the Soviet past and to establish a strong and independent self-identity, ideals of masculinity and femininity have emerged that have both nationalist and traditionalist overtones. The respective emphasis on women’s domestic role and men’s role as breadwinners reinforces stereotypes that permeate all spheres of life, and these lie at the root of a series of gendered problems faced by women and men.

This brief is based on a larger study (that also includes Egypt, Kazakhstan and Turkey), which explores how transition in different countries has been experienced by different groups of men, and its impacts on gender relations. It aims to assist the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other stakeholders to consider ways of engaging men as agents of positive change for gender equality – alongside women and girls – as well as to complement women-focused projects and investments to enhance both the resilience of transitions and equality of opportunity.

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Walker, C. with Babenko, S. and Greig, A. (2019) Masculinities and Transition in Ukraine: Country Brief, Brighton: IDS


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