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Promoting Sustainable Waste Management in Mekelle, Ethiopia

IDS Policy Briefing 216

Mekelle, the capital of the Tigray region in Ethiopia, is plagued by water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) challenges. Rapid population growth, unplanned urbanisation, limitations in WASH services, climate change, and the impacts of war and conflicts are affecting the sanitation conditions of the...

12 September 2024


Equitable Pathways to Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems

T20 Policy Brief

Ensuring pathways to sustainable food systems are equitable is a moral and existential imperative. Food systems are sustainable when they promote responsible use of natural resources, protect biodiversity, and mitigate the environmental impact of production, distribution, and consumption.

Lídia Cabral
Lídia Cabral & 7 others

10 September 2024


Just and Resilient Infrastructures in Pakistan and Kenya

IDS Policy Briefing 215

The relationship between infrastructure development and intensifying climate crisis is generating new cycles of 24-hour risks in the urban global South. Research from Karachi and Nairobi points to opportunities to build resilient infrastructures that strengthen and support community networks and...

29 August 2024


Key considerations: Mpox, mining, and vulnerabilities of women and children in eastern DRC


This brief presents considerations for contextualising and responding to the mpox outbreak in the mining towns of South Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It focuses on women and children living and working in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) areas.

28 August 2024


Inclusive Social Assistance for Marginalised People in the KRI

BASIC Research Policy Briefing 3

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) has experienced conflicts, displacement, socioeconomic shocks, and climate change effects. Marginalised people, especially those facing intersecting inequalities, are disproportionately affected. Many face unemployment, poverty, and limited health care access....

Jackie Shaw
Jackie Shaw & 2 others

21 August 2024


Roundtable Report: Epidemic Preparedness and Response in Senegal

SSHAP Briefing

On 8 December 2023, SSHAP convened a roundtable discussion on social science research in epidemic preparedness and response in Senegal. The event was organised in Dakar by the Centre Régional de Recherche et de Formation à la Prise en Charge Clinique de Fann (CRCF) based at the Centre...

16 August 2024


How Can Aid Actors Support Yemeni Capacities for Social Assistance?

BASIC Research Policy Briefing 2

Much of Yemen’s population needs basic assistance to avoid famine. As well as providing food and cash-based support during a decade of war, international aid actors have sustained and strengthened the capacities of local organisations involved. Yet these efforts have overlooked some capacities...

Paul Harvey & 2 others

25 July 2024

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In an extraordinary time of challenge and change, we use more than 50 years of expertise to transform development approaches that create more equitable and sustainable futures. The work you do with us will help make progressive change towards universal development; to build and connect solidarities for collective action, locally and globally. The University of Sussex has been ranked 1st in the world for Development Studies for the past five years (QS World University Rankings by Subject).