
Knowledge Translation in the Global South

The Knowledge Translation in the Global South research project seeks to identify similarities and differences in knowledge translation strategies and practices used by Southern researchers across different disciplines, and investigate the challenges they face. Supported by IDRC, the project will recommend support mechanisms and procurement innovations to donors seeking to create an enabling environment for Southern-led research for development.

This project, led by IDS in partnership with OTT Consulting, combines knowledges spanning disciplines, sectors and geographies and the lived experiences of researchers, practitioners and evidence users in the global South. It engages with the complex ways that power, context and conditions influence the design and outcomes of knowledge translation mechanisms.

Final synthesis report

This study explores knowledge translation (KT) in the global South and provides recommendations for funders to support more effective structures and strategies for the use of research for equitable development. Download the report.

Primary research report

This research report outlines empirical findings on challenges and enablers of knowledge translation in the Global South, emphasising the importance of context for Southern knowledge translation practitioners. Download the report (OTT).

Evidence Review

The project team conducted an evidence review in Spanish, French and English, and primary research with universities, think tanks and policy actors in Latin America, Africa and the Indo-Pacific region. Download the review.

Steering Group

The project is guided by a Steering Group of leading Southern thinkers and doers, who have dedicated their careers to supporting the generation and use of knowledge for development. The Steering Group members are:

We are committed to addressing structural inequalities that characterise the global knowledge systems through a research design that privileges Southern voices and directly addresses gender equity and social inclusion.

Project details

start date
31 January 2022
end date
31 January 2023
CAD $400,000


In partnership with
OTT Consulting Ltd.
Supported by


Recent work


Same goals, different hurdles: Understanding knowledge translation in the Global South

Interviews with those working on knowledge translation in the Global South reveal similarities and differences from the Global North. Here we consider the specific challenges and how collaborative research can lead to improved practice everywhere. Incorporating evidence from research into the...

21 June 2023


Building the future of Knowledge Translation in the Global South: perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean

The Global South has cultural, socio-economic and political factors that shape the way knowledge translation (KT) is developed in its countries. Specifically, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have stories of colonisation that have framed the languages we speak and the way we...

19 June 2023


Knowledge translation in the Global South: A language perspective

Anywhere in the world, knowledge translation (KT) is facilitated through a process of communicating messages to an audience, who will ultimately use that information to inform their own opinions and actions. However, the way that information is perceived, digested, discussed, and passed on is...

23 May 2023