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Lasting impact: case studies

Our action orientated approach to research and knowledge inspires change realised through our global network of researchers, policy professionals, activists, students, alumni; and by partnerships with governments, research and policy institutions, civil society organisations and the private sector.

On behalf of our IDS community, thank you to all of our supporters for helping us to build more equitable and sustainable societies. Here are some examples of our work in action. If you want to find out more or discuss how you can support our work, please get in touch:

Olusola Owonikoko

Olusola’s story
How a scholarship is helping Olusola Owonikoko promote digital inclusion for persons with disabilities across Nigeria. Read more


Helping marginalised communities to develop their resilience to climate change
In India, our research is being used to define the policies needed to sustain local wellbeing and livelihoods. Your support can help us take our climate justice impacts to scale. Read more

A US naval officer receives a covid vaccine. Photo: US Pacific Fleet via flicker CC-BY-NC-2.0

Improving Covid-19 vaccine take-up
Our work in collaboration with global partners is helping to strengthen responses to the pandemic by integrating needed social science evidence and people’s lived experiences into policy and practice. Read more

Strengthening evidence-informed global development policy making
Our work with government ministries to deliver rapid evidence summaries and learning services is enabling staff to innovate and respond more effectively to rapidly changing and complex development challenges. Read more

India and Pakistan flags. Credit: Global Panorama on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Building regional networks for more effective development
We are establishing new research and policy collaborations in areas facing accelerating environmental, economic, political and social change. For example, in Pakistan, we are collaborating with leading voices to co-develop the South Asia Human Development Report and inspire policy debate on governance, women’s empowerment, agricultural development, health, regional cooperation and education. Read more 

Collaborating to create more equitable, efficient tax systems for public good
Collaborations between researchers and revenue officials are guiding bold reforms with big impacts, boosting domestic revenue mobilisation and improving people’s lives. Read more