Governance, Power and Participation

Our research on governance, power relations, participation and citizen engagement, informs change processes in pursuit of social justice and social change. With power and politics central to our analysis, we support the generation of new evidence that contributes to improved processes for good governance, citizen engagement, empowerment and accountability.

We pioneer new ways of working with governments, communities, activists and academics, to understand the complex relationships and processes that exist across states, markets, and citizens, and between formal and informal institutions, to tackle issues such as digital inequalities, women’s participation and empowerment, decentralisation and local governance, rapid urbanisation, migration, taxation and domestic resource mobilisation, food security and hunger and nutrition. These draw on our extensive expertise in complex approaches to how change happens.  Through our research and policy partnerships we are also bringing new insights on the role that rising powers and emerging economies such as China and Brazil have in relation to global governance and tackling development challenges such as sustainability and poverty.  Our world-renown participatory research has a particular emphasis on systematic social exclusion facing women, people living in extreme poverty, people with disabilities, slaves bonded labourers, indigenous peoples and others. We advance cutting edge methodological development in action research, participatory visual methods, participatory mapping, participatory statistics, participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) amongst others.


Danny Burns

Professorial Research Fellow

Anuradha Joshi

Interim Director of Research

Shandana Khan Mohmand

Cluster leader and Research Fellow

Miguel Loureiro

Research Fellow

Patta Scott-Villiers

Research Fellow

Mariz Tadros

Director (CREID)

Rosemary McGee

Research Fellow

Mick Moore

Professorial Fellow

Programmes and centres

Recent work

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Showing 2569–2580 of 14908 results


Humanitarian Action

The purpose of humanitarian action is to support people affected by armed conflicts and disasters by helping them to save their lives, alleviate their suffering, maintain their dignity, assist their recovery and increase their resilience. Today’s global humanitarian system is a major...

Hugo Slim

30 November 2020


SSHAP In-Focus: Covid-19, Uncertainty, Vulnerability and Recovery in India

This paper addresses Covid-19 in India, looking at how the interplay of inequality, vulnerability, and the pandemic has compounded uncertainties for poor and marginalised groups, leading to insecurity, stigma and a severe loss of livelihoods.

Justin Pickard & 3 others

30 November 2020


The Costs of Climate Change Adaptation in Middle-income Countries

While potential costs and tracked spending on adaptation to climate change in middle-income countries (MICs) are difficult to measure, there is wide agreement that current spending on adaption is highly inadequate. This helpdesk report examines if there is evidence that there is a need for MICs...

Amanda Lenhardt

25 November 2020


Response to UK announcement on foreign aid budget cut

In response to the Chancellor of the Exchequer announcement today that the UK commitment to spend 0.7 percent of its GNI on overseas development aid is to be reduced to 0.5 percent, Professor Melissa Leach, Director, Institute of Development Studies, said: “Today’s announcement is...

25 November 2020

Why learn with us.

In an extraordinary time of challenge and change, we use more than 50 years of expertise to transform development approaches that create more equitable and sustainable futures. The work you do with us will help make progressive change towards universal development; to build and connect solidarities for collective action, locally and globally. The University of Sussex has been ranked 1st in the world for Development Studies for the past five years (QS World University Rankings by Subject).